Hitler & Goebbels in
Now I'm afraid we come to the very worst type of scenario, one that brings us
face to face with bare hatred, jealousy, envy and fear and which shocked me and
many others in its pure viciousness. Due to this I deal with the background events in some detail.
When I first recieved notification of these events I was outraged at their content as l knew the people it was targeted at were not permitted to defend themselves in public. I therefore volunteered to undertake to deal with it and was furnished with all the available documentation, records, letters etc in order to get to the truth. On top of that material it took me a lot of work, personal interviews, hearing the 'confessions' of people who had been referred to me and much document trawling to get to the truth of all these matters as so much falsehood and intricate deceptions have been created and employed by the people responsible in order to cover their tracks and they have tried as much as they can to involve outsiders in their awful schemes.
Perhaps the first inkling that something was up came when Grant Burrows, a teacher at a London club, remarked that his several of his regular students had left him saying they wanted to train
only at a dojo at Oxford.
Apparently they had been encouraged to do this by Christopher Jones
the main teacher at this club in Oxford by him criticising Grant in various personal and pointed ways. This very same London teacher had prior to these comments soundly trounced Jones in a kumite practice at a recent seminar, he being several belts ranks below the Oxford man. Also the London teacher had recently been appointed an executive officer in our group - a position Jones obviously thought he himself should have had. Clearly this Oxford man felt bitter about both these events and had decided to exact a revenge.
Next a report of a dojo meeting was privately circulated in which a summary of statements were attributed to the current head teacher which were totally and deliberately mis-representative being very different in kind and content to what had been actually said. When quizzed on this T.Gilmore, the Oxford official responsible , apologised, said his notes were hurriedly made and that he would print a correction in the next issue. As you will see later this never happened.
As we investigated this Oxford teacher, a former Baker's assistant, further disturbing facts were
uncovered. It was revealed that the low graded Jones had gathered around him a group of mostly female admirers and sycophants who hung on his every word and as a result seemed to have developed various illusions of grandeur about himself, his abilities and his judgements of others. Such judgements and views appear to have been indoctrinated into his students iun a most sinister manner.
There is a well known and transparent procedure for dealing with student complaints etc in our group but as all of its procedures had been deliberately ignored it was decided to confront him directly about what he had said about the London secretary.
Before he could be brought to book he left his position as dojo
representative and with the aid of his girlfriends and others began to enact his revenge by launching a vicious and wholly unjustified smear campaign against those he decided were the most vulnerable in our group.
Firstly, taking care to avoid his own name being mentioned, he 'encouraged'
his girlfriend Lexi Hunt to circulate a scandalous written account based upon then current events in the life of US President Clinton. This account had apparently been created by a women later called Caroline 'Lewinsky' Souter.
Her account was a very imaginative, pornographic and graphic 'confession' based on her clearly sexual fantasies and suggested she had been manipulated against her will (apparently for over a year!) by one of our outstanding and highly respected
It was made all the more outrageous because the teacher she was trying to involve in this sad fantasy was one who had done her a great favour by graciously offering her rent free temporary lodging at his own home (which was actually next door to our centre) when she was forced to leave her current room. Little did he realise what was in store.
In her nieve imagination she had now been lured and pursued to come to this house, which was then transformed into her 'temple' and the landlord was transformed into her personal 'guru'. She was no longer there because she had been put out of her home but because she 'had wanted to study Buddhism'. You can imagine the rest.
To those who knew her it was not difficult to understand why
she would be so desperate to be thought of as a desirable sexual object. It was
also clear that although she pretended to be a bespectacled, quiet and 'nice' girl she must have had
many prior sexual encounters and experiences.
This account as it stood was deliberately libelous, nasty, prurient, self
contradictory and, as our London secretary noted, 'had gaping inconsistencies
and contradictions obvious to anyone except those who concocted it'.
It was also
very crudely phrased in the manner of a pornographic novel, a very different form
of expression to that normally used by this Charterhouse educated women. Our London secretary was of the opinion that a copy should be sent to her parents.
It later and revealingly emerged that she had actually concocted this account
with the advice and 'aid' of others, including a jealous former woman friend of
the teacher concerned from New Zealand, who herself seemed to have many long standing sexual and relationship problems and had not long before been divorced. This woman (donated [- Over 18's only- ] picture )
was a notorious sexual predator and had previously caused several scandals
at both the Oxford dojo where she had trained and at the Norwich club she had
moved to afterwards. The Oxford secretary (Lexi Hunt) who had circulated the
pornographic stories (and her former friend) had remarked at one social gathering that she (the predator) had spent all her time chasing her male colleagues at the local language school they both taught in.
In order to help her overcome such deep seated traits and to make her more aware of the dangers of such activities she had been given a published account of certain sexual scandals which had previously taken place within a Buddhist group called the FWBO. This account, amongst other things, gave details of the various manners people could sometimes be 'brainwashed' into questionable forms of conduct. The women appears to have copied ideas and sections of this report and woven them into the account she was 'helping' the other women to create.
The Oxford Hitler then got his current girlfriend Lexi Hunt and others to duplicate this
account and send it out to persons and groups whose addresses he had stolen from
our central records, which action became the subject of legal investigations
still in process.
Not content with simply abusing his position of trust 'Hitler' organised a second mailout to religious groups and other unconnected organisations, some even
overseas, most of whom had nothing whatsoever to do with the people concerned.
The list included Yoga organisations, Buddhist groups and even various esoteric
and palmistry groups.
Then hate mail began to arrive at the home of the teacher they had targeted. This came from Jones's closest female 'disciples'. This was all intercepted and passed directly to our solicitor who then opened and read out most of it in front of witnesses. Later this mail changed to prostitute's telephone cards etc. It was obviously a rather twisted and envious female(s) sending it.
The group then followed up later with a letter and telephone campaign of
harassment contacting more persons and ex members whose addresses they procured.
2 Oxford members (R.Alison & T.Gilmore) arrived unannounced one evening at the home of one lady member in Norwich and threatened her. The local club secretary in Norwich when turning up to take her Yoga class one evening discovered Tim Chatterton, the boyfriend of Felicity Booth, a disciple of C.Jones, there in a 'demented' state alleging she was an unfit person to teach and a cult leader. He also complained to the hiring authority of the premises.
To keep the peace she simply closed the classes down for a while. Later she resigned her position for fear of injury to her and her child. Others were influenced by her actions particularly the local students who had no other way of knowing the truth. Shamefully this Norwich women did not make any attempt to fully present the facts to them and was later persuaded, i.e. frightened into, circulating Lewinskys disgusting letter.
This theme of using the label of 'cult' to denigrate us seems to have been adopted deliberately as an effective method in situations where premises were hired from church authorities. It was probably adopted by the 'Predator' from the FWBO report but also it should be noted that some of her own family are Christian missionaries.
Another example of this is when the London teacher who had been the original target of their actions was
approached by the church authorities from whom he leased his club and was told they
had recieved a call from an 'anti-cult' group saying that they had recieved a report about
him from an 'unstated' source alleging he was a dangerous person.
After more than a year this campaign still continued. Various deliberately misinformative 'web' pages were created which our lawyers quickly put a stop to. The 'right hand man' (Rupert Alison) of the Oxford Hitler was revealed to be misappropriating the CTSU Oxford university computer centre used at his workplace for this purpose until the solicitor of the London Secretary and others complained and he was stopped. After this he tried instead to contact overseas members by email and attempted to get them to take notice of the US 'Boston Manglers' web pages (see other pages).
As various members rejected their overtures and they learned of legal actions gathering momentum, even more desperate mail outs commenced. One of these was in the form of anonymous envelopes containing photocopied copies of irrelevant personal notes and letter cards all of which had been sent (significantly) to 'Mr C.Jones'.
Different people recieved different sets of
these photocopies depending upon whom the anonymous sender decided would be more
vulnerable to them.
All of these notes were upon various decorative papers or cards
originally produced many years previously and many of which were given out to
various members as gifts to use for themselves. Many bore joke cartoons of the Oxford students,
illustrations or photographs by different persons including such famous
photographers as Helmut Newton & David Hamilton, David Bailey etc. Some were snippets of film or TV advertisments etc. Several of these illustrations had originally been
selected for printing and useage by one of the women mentioned above.
Whoever had copied part of this series of little notepapers had extracted
only those ones which bore artistic or humorous pictures or montages of women.
Sinister overtones were therefore hoped to be implied about those who had used
them as letter papers which included of course these Oxford people themselves.
It was all very seedy and many original supporters of
this Oxford 'leader' and his acolytes distanced themselves rapidly from this
mans activities.
The Poison Dwarf |
From the very start of this campaign attempts were made by several different dojo officials to contact various members of this faction to resolve their problems. All their telephones and faxes were found to be continually left off the hook. Letters suggesting meetings went unanswered. Some of them changed addresses or phone numbers to avoid detection.
At no time either before or afterwards did anyone of this faction try to contact any teacher or official they had so unjustly condemned to explain or justify their reasons. Even later spurious letters of 'resignation' from their members had been photocopied or duplicated. It was all planned and executed in total secrecy. They were obviously all strictly obeying a plan laid out by the Fuherer's 'central command'.
Many of the students caught up in this one sided 'war' were bitterly dissapointed at the Oxford groups actions and several suffered great mental anguish and stress because of it. Students were being told (falsely) that if they supported anyone other than the Oxford group they would not be able to study or train any more.
No one from Oxford or their cronies in other places were the least concerned at the results of what they had done. One member, a psychotherapist, kindly offered free consultations to students, others set up web help pages. You can visit one of these (Here) .
One needs to bear in mind that many of this group were avowed followers of Buddhism who had studied and taken Bodhisattva vows to their teacher and the teachings. These were supposedly persons who wished to 'aid all beings' to reach Enlightenment, to generate compassion, tolerance and understanding and to cherish and protect their teacher(s) through thick and thin. It was clear that their Oxford indoctrinations had proved far stronger than their wish to be better people.
One Buddhist organisation which had been sent these materials discussed the matter and was advised by one of our members who, as a Lincolns Inn barrister, could properly explain the true situation. The group showed great sympathy for our position as they were very familiar with such activity by former students of other groups. It was they said 'unfortunately common where newer students brought into a group their prior emotional or psychological disturbances and avoided dealing with them in any realistic manner'.Recent accounts state that the Oxford Hitler and the Predator have abandoned all their supporters and fled to New Zealand
We have notified our representatives there and in Australia to be prepared if necessary to reveal the facts about them.