We would have liked to show the 'Lewinsky' letter in full here but we are advised that its content is so descriptively pornographic that current British law forbids its public reproduction or distribution.
It appears that a few weeks earlier this 'Predator' (who had previously lodged at the house and had herself recommended 'Lewinsky' to move in) apparently became intensely jealous and envious of Ms 'Lewinsky' and had drafted up a similar nasty letter, filled with deliberate inaccuracies and misinformation, of her own which she had attempted to circulate amongst a few other gullible fellow female members of her club, including one named 'Felicity' who, informants tell us, was particularly vindictive. However realising that any attempt by herself alone would not be believed she seems to have pretended to befriend 'Lewinsky' in order to get her to do a letter under her own name and therefore indirectly get some sort of revenge against both of them. In her own letter she was of course the central female 'star'.